What’s NMN Supplement


  • NMN is Vitamin B derivative. It's a ribonucleotide.
  • NMN is closely ralated to NDA+.
  • We will die without NDA+ in our body.
  • NMN suppelment reverses the aging, Improves fertility and heart health. Benefit to brain and diabetes.
  • Taking NMN supplement daily with moderate doses will have few side effects.

nmn supplement is popular

NMN supplement is becoming poplular in North America, Europe and Asia. The top-rated product is NMN 350mg. Let’s explore what’s NMN supplement and its benefits of it in this article.

NMN, also called Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, is a naturally occurring biologically active nucleotide. It’s a Vitamin B3 (niacin) derivative.

Within your cells, NMN is converted into another molecule known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Your body needs NAD+ for a variety of functions involved in metabolism and energy production.

History of NMN

Here we take a closer look at how is NMN found in history.

Back in 1963, Chambon, Weill, and Mandel discovered that NMN provided the cellular energy needed to activate an important nuclear enzyme [1]. It's poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs).

After that, a team of researchers led by Dr. David Sinclair found more functions of NMN in mice experiment, such as extending the lifespan of mice[2], reversing DNA damage[3].

Several decades have passed, individuals around the world can take NMN as a supplementation to live longer thanks to the medicine scientists’ research on it.

what's nmn supplement

Whats NMN

Is NMN just Vitamin B? No! NMN is derived from ribose, nicotinamide, nicotinamide riboside and niacin.

As the precursor of NAD+, NMN is closely related to the activity of mitochondria - microscopic organelles that are vital to our metabolism.

On the molecular level, it’s a ribonucleotide, a basic structural unit of the nucleic acid RNA. NMN molecular is a nucleotide made up of a nitrogenous base (nicotinamide), a sugar (ribose), and a phosphate group.

NMN is found in the cell primarily in the nucleus, mitochondria, and cytoplasm. It's a molecule your body makes naturally and helps power your body. It’s closely related to our health.

relationship between NMN and NAD+

NMN and NAD+

The relationship between NMN and NAD+ is as close as water and fish. Your NMN levels naturally decline over time, and, as a result, your levels of NAD decline, too.

Without sufficient NAD+ levels, our bodies cease to function.

As we age, our metabolism becomes dysregulated and less efficient. This may contribute to some of the health effects you might experience.

For example, clinical trials have shown that people with different age-related conditions, including diabetes and liver diseases, may have lower levels of NMN and NAD.

Even though NMN is widely present in our daily food, it’s far from enough.

We get a limited amount of NMN in our diet to support the NAD+ biosynthesis required for normal functioning, but not to replace the NAD+ lost with age. 

Studies of NMN in humans reveal we’d better take NMN supplements from 35.

Can We Take NAD+ Directly?

Why don’t we take NAD+ directly, now that it declines as we age?

Research has found that taking NAD+ orally or by IV doesn't lead to the potential benefits because NAD+ has no mechanism for entering the cell - but taking NMN can.

You might think of NMN as raw material and NAD as the refined version that your body can actually use.

As the saying goes: the cleverest housewife cannot cook without rice.

NDA+ is for overall health

Why is NDA+ so Important

Have you ever heard that we will die without NDA+? This is not an exaggeration, it is a fact. No word of a lie, if the level of NAD+ in your body drops to zero, you'd be dead in about 30 seconds.

Not only does NAD+ provide the energy we need to function, grow and repair, and it could be critical in stemming the aging process.

NAD+ is consumed by key proteins and enzymes that play a critical role in repairing damage to our DNA, fuelling our cells, and keeping our metabolic and immune systems ticking over nicely.

But it is more than maintaining our systems - NAD+ could hold the key to preventing age-related decline.

If we can keep NAD+ levels reasonably high, we could slow down the aging process and even, in some situations, start to wind it back a little.

That’s why we said that NMN can make us younger.

NMN suppleemnt benefits

NMN Benefits

NMN produces NAD+ and NAD+ provides cell energy. Taken orally, NMN is rapidly absorbed and converted to NAD+ within 15 minutes.

Since taking NMN may help your body produce more NAD+, it's also important to consider the research behind the benefits of NAD+. Studies investigating NAD+ shed light on its potential benefits:

  • Benefits to BrainImprove neuronal function in the brain and provide several neuroprotective effects.
  • Reverse the aging: Suppressed age-related adipose tissue inflammation. Improve mitochondrial metabolism and prevent age-linked changes in gene expression.
  • Improves fertility: Improve low sperm counts as men age.
  • Improve heart health: More NMN produces more NAD+ that reverses age changes within arteries and reduces blood vessel stiffness, better blood pressure control, and fewer arrhythmias.
  • Benefit to diabetesEnhanced insulin secretion and insulin action.

nmn benefits

David Sinclair, Harvard University's noted anti-aging researcher, whose research on resveratrol, NAD+ and sirtuins are world renowned, are also conducting human trials.

He is taking NMN himself; he has said his lipid profile has improved dramatically and he feels more energetic and his blood markers, at nearly 60 years old, are closer to those of a 31-year-old.

NMN Side Effect

Reversing the effects of aging is really great. While every coin has two sides. You might be wondering whether NMN has any side effects. That’s a good question.

Even though the data for long-term administration of NMN in humans are scarce, large numbers of people take it as a dietary supplement with few side effects reports.

Studies show that higher doses(more than 1200mg per serving) may cause negative effects such as headache and moderate doses(250-1200mg per serving) have more protective effects.

It’s certainly that too less doses will have no effects.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplements are generally considered safe. Certainly, more studies focused on long-term safety and efficacy should be conducted.

The Bottom Line

NMN 20000

In conclusion, as a popular supplement, NMN can slow aging and keep overall health.

NMN molecular is a ribonucleotide. As the precursor of NAD+, NMN plays a vital role in regulating metabolism, improving the metabolism of various cells in the body, and restoring the vitality of cells in the body.

Becoming young again will not be a dream. Demand for scientific progress, we will see many developments in reversing aging in the future.

FAQ about NMN Supplement:

Q1: What is the best time to take an NMN supplement?

A1: Take it 1 hour before breakfast on an empty belly. I take NMN 500mg/daily. And I am loving the results very much. I hate feeling exhausted after being bombarded with so many things every day, so I needed an energy booster such as this NMN.


Q2: How do you think that Amazon bans NMN supplement sales On March 13, 2023

A2: You better stock up. If they want to ban it, it must be fantastic for your health. No money in healthy people. FDA banned it because a company wants to use it for drug trials. Not because it has been shown as dangerous.


Q3: How safe is nmn? Have you done any bloodwork and check ups?

A3: From one customer: I'm taking it everday for 8 months and no downsides. Had my normal bloodwork done, everything normal. Some levels also improved.


[2] North, B. J., Rosenberg, M. A., Jeganathan, K. B., Hafner, A. V., Michan, S., Dai, J., … & van Deursen, J. M. (2014). SIRT2 induces the checkpoint kinase BubR1 to increase lifespan. The EMBO journal, e201386907.
[3] Li, J., Bonkowski, M. S., Moniot, S., Zhang, D., Hubbard, B. P., Ling, A. J., … & Sinclair, D. A. (2017). A conserved NAD+ binding pocket that regulates protein-protein interactions during aging. Science, 355(6331), 1312-1317.

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